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Specialist Information Advice and Guidance Service SIAG

What is it?  

SIAG is a new service to support mainstream schools in meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs in their settings. Funded by the LA as part of the Delivering Better Value/ SEND Transformation Plan; this service is designed to complement and integrate with existing SEN services.

The service will provide a team of specialist SEN Practitioners who will offer a practical service to mainstream schools. They will support colleagues to deliver Quality First Teaching and further develop whole school inclusive educational practice through strength-based approaches. 

This will take place across 3 days during one school term. Please ensure your school has the capacity to take this offer up if you are accepted or consider applying for a later panel date.   

It could include:

  • Direct face to face engagement, modelling and demonstration of practical strategies – as well as support in making the best use of existing services and SEN toolkits
  • Impact analysis, feedback and signposting to next steps


If you would like to make a request for your setting, please use this form found on the Schools Platform: Specialist Information, Advice and Guidance Referral Form - Cornwall Council

Request for support process:

Once you have submitted the request form it will be considered by a panel, including representatives from the existing SEN support teams, to make sure that you can be given support by the right team of people.  If the panel feels that SIAG is the right service for you the referral will be passed to the SIAG team who will then get in touch. This support is finite and will be decided according to greatest potential impact and capacity to engage.  All work will be scheduled for an agreed, time-limited period.

To find more support with:

  • Signposting to SEN services
  • Information and questions about SIAG
  • Advice on SEN strategies

Please call the SIAG team: 01872 487237 or email: