The SIAG Project: A Test and Learn Success

As the SIAG funding from 'Delivering Better Value' comes to an end, we are taking time to reflect on its success.
The SIAG project has emerged as a cornerstone of our outreach efforts, leveraging specialist SEN Practitioners and research-based practices to enhance SEN provision in mainstream schools. This initiative has provided essential training, support, and mentoring to improve whole school strategies, universal provision, and Quality First Teaching.
Feedback from schools has been overwhelmingly positive. One SENCO from a primary school shared, "The SIAG team were hugely responsive and what we needed as a school... looking at a child not just with ‘autism’ and more with a holistic approach was what we wanted and needed."
Building on Success: The Future of Outreach
The success of the SIAG project has paved the way for a sustainable, long-term outreach model. We are working closely with Local Authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts, and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive support system for schools. This model will continue to deliver high-quality specialist support, ensuring that children and young people with SEND receive the right support at the right time.
A Holistic Approach to Support
One of the key strengths that is becoming apparent from the SIAG service is its holistic approach. Schools have found this element particularly beneficial, as it complements existing services without duplicating the work of Local Authority SEN teams. We support schools in embedding effective strategies and practices by looking at all the elements of the school environment, the children’s needs, Trust initiatives and what training and support the staff need.
A SENCO from another primary school expressed their gratitude, saying, "We couldn’t have asked for much more from you. You listened, you trained, so thank you."
Evaluations of the service are well under way, and we will be working with schools until the summer term. Keep up to date with the latest on the ‘Specialist Outreach’ page of the website and see the final piece of action research when it is completed.