Cury School - June 2023 update

Dear stakeholders,
I am writing with an update on the development of Cury School.
Following the process of consultation on the proposal to re-open Cury School as a satellite of Nancealverne School, the Department for Education has granted permission for the development of the school to proceed. Alongside the ongoing development of the offer at the school, the work to uplift the school building and grounds will move to its next phase. Specifically, this will involve seeking planning permission for changes to the external material of the roof, the addition of an extension to the rear of the school building and the extension of the current car park onto part of the school field.
As Cury School will provide a specialist offer for primary age children who have Social Emotional Mental Health needs, a high staff to pupil ratio will be a key aspect of the provision. The numbers of staff and children arriving by transport will require an increase in space for vehicles. To provide this space, planning permission will be sought to develop some of the existing field behind the school into a parking and vehicle turning area. Exploratory soil test works have been carried out as part of the planning application process and it is anticipated that planning will be submitted early in July.
The planning proposal will also include an application to replace the roof, as part of the works required to upgrade the school building. The existing concrete tile roof covering will be replaced with a modern metal sheet roof system to account for the existing low-level roof pitch, this will have similar character appearances to that of the recent hall extension. In addition, planning will be sought to extend the school building at the rear to accommodate a kitchen to cater for pupils’ meals and provide a learning space necessary for lifeskills and food related curriculum opportunities.
The process of developing the capital works programme will run in parallel with the planning process and subject to planning being approved, it is anticipated that works on parking, fencing, security and external and internal building improvements would begin during the autumn.
The educational and therapeutic offer at the school is being developed under the leadership of Ruth Carpenter, Headteacher at Nancealverne, alongside colleagues from across the Trust, external professionals and Trust partners. The shared vision and values of Trust and the Diocese are reflected in both the offer at the school and in the new school logo, both of which will be shared on the school website. The website will be live from September and will also provide ongoing information on the development of the school. The target opening date for Cury School is Easter 2024 and it is anticipated that the school will provide outreach to children who are transitioning into the school from earlier in the year.
The Special Partnership Trust continues to work closely with the Department for Education, the Diocese of Truro and Cornwall Council to deliver the school. Updates on all aspects of the development will continue to be shared on the Special Partnership Trust website - Special Partnership Trust - Latest News.